
Aravindan Neelakandan is currently a contributing editor for Swarajya. He has worked for more than a decade with the Natural Resources Development Project of Vivekananda Kendra (VK-NARDEP). He has authored books on sustainable agricultural technologies and traditional knowledge systems in Tamizh. He has co-authored Breaking India with Rajiv Malhotra.

Aravindan Neelakandan

Aravindan Neelakandan is currently a contributing editor for Swarajya. He has worked for more than a decade with the Natural Resources Development Project of Vivekananda Kendra (VK-NARDEP). He has authored books on sustainable agricultural technologies and traditional knowledge systems in Tamizh. He has co-authored Breaking India with Rajiv Malhotra.

Author's books


Hindutva: Origin, Evolution and Future studies Hindutva in both critical and holistic terms—an approach that is oft found missing in most studies on Hindutva, where a lot of critical knowledge has been left out either intentionally or out of ignorance. This omission has led to characterize Hindutva as a dangerous exclusivist majoritarian supremacist ideology. Hindutva is often studied like other extreme right-wing ideologies. However, the thesis presented in this book is built on the strong foundation that Hindutva is not an ideology but a historical-civilizational process. As such, it does not fit the expectations of any ideological framework.