
Pariksith Singh, MD, is a passionate and acutely intelligent student and exponent of Hindu Dharma, and one who has been deeply engaged spiritually and intellectually with Sri Aurobindo and his Yoga for almost all his adult life. Singh is also the author of two other remarkably enlightening books on the Master and his works—Sri Aurobindo and the Literary Renaissance of India (2021) and Sri Aurobindo and Philosophy (2022). Singh’s approach and writings are uniquely personal, and not academic at all: his works, though of a commendable intellectual calibre, are permeated with bhakti-psychic devotion for the subject that he has chosen as his oeuvre: Sri Aurobindo himself.

Pariksith Singh, MD

Pariksith Singh, MD, is a passionate and acutely intelligent student and exponent of Hindu Dharma, and one who has been deeply engaged spiritually and intellectually with Sri Aurobindo and his Yoga for almost all his adult life. Singh is also the author of two other remarkably enlightening books on the Master and his works—Sri Aurobindo and the Literary Renaissance of India (2021) and Sri Aurobindo and Philosophy (2022). Singh's approach and writings are uniquely personal, and not academic at all: his works, though of a commendable intellectual calibre, are permeated with bhakti-psychic devotion for the subject that he has chosen as his oeuvre: Sri Aurobindo himself.

Author's books

Veda Made Simple

Veda Made Simple is an important book. In a strikingly clear, lucid and straightforward manner, the author reveals the rich and complex philosophy and symbolism of the Veda for anyone who is open in mind and heart to receive the wisdom of humanity’s oldest spiritual scripture. That the author does this in the light of Sri Aurobindo—inarguably among the very few who realized and lived the deepest and highest Vedic truths in their beings—makes it even more significant. This book comes at the right time too, as Indians globally begin to reawaken to their timeless Vedic and Sanatan heritage.

Sri Aurobindo & The Literary Renaissance of India

This book is a significant addition to the growing body of literature on Sri Aurobindo. Dr. Singh delves deep into the works of Sri Aurobindo to present a compelling and fascinating collage of the philosopher’s multifaceted and multidimensional genius: Sri Aurobindo as seer and mystic, as visionary and poet, as writer, translator, linguist and critic, and as India’s first spiritual nationalist. Sri Aurobindo, as this book declares, a true fountainhead of India’s literary renaissance, needs to be discovered and better appreciated not just in India, but globally, and Dr Singh has given an incredible tribute to the saint with this exceptional book.

Chhutti Ke Din

अब एक नयी पुस्तकछुट्टी के दिनआपके हाथों में हैं| मातृभाषा की सेवा में डॉक्टर परीक्षित सिंह जी और कल्याण सिंह जी शेखावत के साथ| एक नयी जुगलबंदी हिन्दी और राजस्थानी की|जिसमें ढूंढ़े बिना ही सम्पूर्ण राजस्थान की महक मिलेगी|

Swayam Se Parichay

यह पुरातन ही नहीं आधुनिक भी है, छंदिक भी है तो मुक्त भी, आदर्शवादी भी है तो रहस्यमय भी, प्रयोगवादी भी है तो आध्यात्मिक भी | यह हृदय और मन को ही संतुष्ट नहीं करता, बल्कि कहीं उन गहराईयों को भी छू लेता है जिन्हें हम आत्मिक या चैत्य पौरुषिक कह सकते हैं। इसमें एक नए पद्य का उद्घोष है जिसमे गूढ़तम बातें हास्य के हल्केपन और सखा भाव की सरलता से कही गई हैं।

Sri Aurobindo and Philosophy

This book delves deep into the works of Sri Aurobindo to present a compelling and fascinating collage of his multifaceted and multidimensional genius, who is not only one of the greatest political leaders of modern times but a supreme visionary, thinker par excellence, great scholar and writer, spiritual guide and statesman, and a leader of all humanity.


The author presents perspectives on his vast oeuvre as a darshanik and shares his exalted dream and aspiration for India and humanity, his horizonless ranges that are their own skylines, his lights, and his snow-capped peaks.

It gives a glimpse into Sri Aurobindo’s pragmatic integral philosophy that is unique in being Vedantic in essence yet modern in expression and outlook.