
Rashmi Samant is an emerging young leader with fire and drive. She scripted history by becoming the first Bharatiya female president of the Oxford University Student Union. She often appears on national television debates, occasionally writes columns for prominent national dailies, and is a vocal human rights advocate for marginalized indigenous communities. Her impactful work involves collaborating with the media, think tanks, and governments. Samant’s most notable contributions to global peace include presenting in the British Parliament a comprehensive report on human rights violation against majorities. She runs a non-profit foundation called ATMAH. Her debut book, A Hindu in Oxford, became a bestseller within hours of its release. Rashmi wears many hats. Besides being a thought leader, she is an entrepreneur and the executive director of Punarnava.

Rashmi Samant

Rashmi Samant is an emerging young leader with fire and drive. She scripted history by becoming the first Bharatiya female president of the Oxford University Student Union. She often appears on national television debates, occasionally writes columns for prominent national dailies, and is a vocal human rights advocate for marginalized indigenous communities. Her impactful work involves collaborating with the media, think tanks, and governments. Samant’s most notable contributions to global peace include presenting in the British Parliament a comprehensive report on human rights violation against majorities. She runs a non-profit foundation called ATMAH. Her debut book, A Hindu in Oxford, became a bestseller within hours of its release. Rashmi wears many hats. Besides being a thought leader, she is an entrepreneur and the executive director of Punarnava.

Author's books

Ram Janmabhoomi

 जो सभ्यता अपने संघर्षों को भूल जाती है, वह अपनी गलतियों की पुनरावृत्ति और आत्मविनाश के दुश्चक्र ें फंसने को अभिशप्त होती है। स्वतंत्रता की लड़ा, िपत्य तथा अत्याचारों के िलाफ प्रतिरो अक्सर साहिक स्मृियों से गाब हो जाते हैं और उत्पीड़न की बोझ तले, नगढ़ंत कथाओं द्वारा हिंदू पहचान को मिटाने के व्यवस्थित प्रासों के ाध्यसे उन स्मृियों की चुंली कर दी जाती हैं। भारत की पवित्र भौगोलिक संरचना, हिंदू धर्म के उद्ग्थल और हिंदू लोगों की पैतृक भूमि, लगातार हुए आक्रणों के साक्षी हैं, जिसने साहिानस पर अमिट घाव छोड़े हैं। 


रा जन्मभूमि आंदोलन हिंदू सभ्यता की जड़ों पर हुए प्रहार और इसे पुनः प्राप्त करने के दुर्धर्ष संघर्ष का एक जीवंत एवं र्मिक दस्तावेज है। शस्त्र आारित आख्यानों के प्रभुत्व वाले ुग ें, जहां अत्याचार करने वालों को पीड़ित का और पीड़ितों को उत्पीड़क का ताज पहनाा जाता है, ह पुस्तक आंदोलन के उदात्त संघर्ष ें अनगिनत हिंदुओं के अश्रु, ्वेद और रक्त से लिखी बेबाक सच्चाों का स्मरण कराती है। ह पुस्तक इस बात की अनुस्मािका भी है कि इस ुग ें जन्मा प्रत्येहिंदू, उन विपदाओं, कष्टों और उन लोगों द्वारा किए गए बलिदानों को कभी न भूले जो उनसे पहले हुए हैं। यदि जानेअनजाने भूल जाते हैं, तो अपनी हान सभ्यता के विनाश के भागीदार होंगे। 

Ram Janmabhoomi

A civilization that forgets its struggles is condemned to repeat its mistakes and spiral into a self-destructive cycle. The battles for freedom and the resistance against occupation and atrocities all too often recede from collective memory, overshadowed by the weight of oppression and systematically orchestrated efforts, to erase the Hindu identity through manipulated narratives. The sacred geography of Bharat, the cradle of Hindu dharma and the ancestral home of the Hindu people, has borne witness to relentless invasions, leaving scars on the collective psyche.


The Ram Janmabhoomi movement stands as a poignant testament to the devastation inflicted upon the roots of Hindu civilization and the arduous battle to reclaim it. In an era dominated by weaponized narratives, where the perpetrators of atrocities are romanticized as victims and the victims are crowned as oppressors, this book reminds of the facts and the inconvenient truths—of the blood, sweat and tears that many Hindus shed in fighting the good fight. It is a call to ensure that every Hindu born in an age, removed from those trials and tribulations, never forgets the sacrifices made by those who went before them. For if we forget, we are complicit in normalizing the obliteration of our great civilization.